so . . .i've been very excited to tell you all some big news that's coming down the tracks. but some of the news isn't finalized yet, so you'll have to wait for part 2. however, part 1 is that thanks to help from a TON of amazing musicians, 12 new songs are very near completion. this summer my friend greg and i holed away in the recording studio for a week and worked with some incredible folks like ali miller, tim bounds, gopi sandhu, dale tiemann, dave fowler, george whitlow, jack miller, eric mcclerren, brad booker, andrea downing, brett allen, ashley allen, randall littleton('s drums ;-) and a host of other encouragers. needless to say, i'm very excited about what was created. none of the songs have been fully mixed and mastered yet, but i did put a new tune up
here if you want to get a first taste. hopefully the songs will be finished and ready to go in a month or two.
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