Billy and Cindy Foote are coming to
the Crossing, to lead our creative teams in a private evening of worship and community (Friday 7-9pm) and a morning of vision, worship and dialogue (Saturday 10am-12pm). Billy and Cindy Foote are the authors of songs like “Sing to the King,” “You are God alone (not a god)”, and “You are my King.” did you know that "You are my King" is one of the
top 8 songs sung in churches worldwide? can you imagine having that kind of impact? needless to say, i am psyched to get the opportunity, with my co-creatives, to bump shoulders with two people through whom God has done such great things.
side note: if you're reading this and you're a creative at the crossing--this is for you too! sign up is below. a quote i like says "if you want to learn to succeed, ask someone who has been successful." in short, it's important to expose yourself to people who are doing great things, because you can learn a lot at their feet. if you're a volunteer in kids, youth or adult areas with the tech, lighting, sound, worship, drama, artist, and/or creative teams at the crossing . . .i truly hope you come.
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