on the subject of language

ever wonder where will ferrell comes up with some of his funny language? in part, he comes from the school of stephen fry--an incredibly funny british comedian--who played with the way words, arranged at random, created humorous meaning. do you ever feel like you can finish someone's sentences before they start speaking? here's a more poignant question: do you think it's possible people think they can finish YOUR sentences before you finish speaking? okay then, now we're all listening. here's an exercise for your creative spirit. look up a few standard words in a thesaurus and change them to non-standard ways of saying the same thing, learn a few new words in the dictionary, and then begin using them in sentences that you already regularly speak i.e. instead of saying "(name)! it's time for dinner" say instead "(name)! the temporal length of your interval for theatrical enjoyment has ceased, and our evening spread is like a banquet before a king, strewn as an illustrious cuisine germane for your sedulous depletion." and voila! you have new life in an old standard sentence. and who knows, folks might even show up to dinner on-time without resistance because of their genuine intrigue at this new way of speaking. of course this applies to all standard sentences . . . but i leave it up to you to discover where people tune you out, and how you can begin to tune them in once again.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

this guy is hilarious and good! oh to be as winsome with words as he! i hope you don't mind, i'm new to the crossing and found your blog after googling windsor crossing. i like to read blogs so i thought i'd follow yours a bit...
