Ron Jeremy on Worship Music

WARNING: this blog video does have one 'f-bomb' in it. if you are easily not watch.

i'm trying to finish up an album of songs that my friends and i have been working on filled with worship music for folks at the crossing. i've wrestled with these songs for a long time because i do not want them to fall into the current cliches that often come along with church music...i.e. U2 guitar lines and formulaic song structures. that said, there's nothing wrong with U2 guitar lines or verse-chorus-bridge song structures. . .it's just that i want to make sure to be diligent about giving God something new, something that took thought and effort to create, AND something He likes to hear which people can sing to Him together.

that said, i find it fascinating that Ron Jeremy--the biggest porn star of all time--is a fan of worship music. in the video below he makes some incredibly astute observations about 'church/worship music', saying that one of it's traits is joy and genuine emotion (my paraphrase). even a man, who most church-goers would feel uncomfortable around, is drawn to spiritual music. and he notices that music written to God lifts us up, where--at times--other kinds of music does not. . .fascinating stuff!

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