"this is it, this is the truth." is the tagline on the new trailer promoting the newest da vinci code movie inspired by author dan brown's follow-up book "angel's and demon's".
you'll remember that 'the davinci code' movie was also advertised as a film seeking 'the truth'. in fact it was even set-up by the author and screenwriter as based on true events. i remember seeing 'the davinci code' with my friends who are skeptical of christianity. each one of them left the first movie thinking that what they'd seen was scientific truth, rather than a work of fiction. it took time for them to understand that the movie had been duplicitous in claiming itself true to garner magnetism . . . when in fact, there was almost no truth to the 'science' presented in the fictional story. the author--dan brown--had blurred the lines between fact and fiction so well, that some of my friends were thoroughly confused about the simple factual history of Jesus Christ.
so what is 'the truth' this installment, "angels and demons" claims? needless to say, again this movie intentionally blurs the lines between fact and fiction to draw viewers to it's message. the message--the catholic church has always persecuted scientific truth, and now the keepers of scientific truth (the illuminati) are fighting back. the title "angels versus demons" attempts to be ironic in that the true war is not spiritual but ideological between religious zealots and scientific freedom fighters. clearly the underlying message is that science is being squelched in the name of religion (in particular: the catholic church).
here's the rub...we all know that to some degree history shows that religious people have been found to suppress scientific discovery (though if we are fair, the church during many significant periods in history was actually the champion and means of scientific discovery). without balance then, it is tempting to allow the knowledge of some churches historical suppression of truth to taint our view...especially when current consumption of entertaining fiction like "angels and demons," plays into this thinking. the trouble is that what "angels and demons" calls 'the truth' is even more problematic than the history it denounces. 'the truth' subtly espoused in this fictional movie is that somehow we are non-spiritual beings. furthermore, as non-spiritual beings our existence here on earth is threatened by religious thinking that enslaves us.
tired out by all this yet? me too. but hang in there for a simple thought... you ARE a spiritual being. any other assertion is a lie that robs us of our deepest meaning. don't believe me? check in this week and i'll take some time to "scientifically" prove this to you. in the meantime, as you are entertained by fun movies like "angels and demons," always keep in mind that as you consume any work of art, there are also subtle (and not-so-subtle) ideologies you are imbibing about life. and as you know, it's always good to beware of what you're eating :-).
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