this week marks the 7 days leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. for those of the Jewish faith and christian faith alike, it is a somber week, where we remember the great slavery of sin--literal and metaphoric. the passover, which occurs on friday, commemorates the terrible slavery inflicted upon the Israelites by the egyptians (& pharaoh). the word 'passover' literally recalls the story of how the Israelites were rescued from their slavery by God. because of the great injustice inflicted upon Israel by the egyptians and b/c of pharaoh's unwillingness to allow Israel to worship their own God, God exacts freeing judgement upon egypt. God instructs each Israelite family to sacrifice the firstborn lamb of their flocks and to wipe the blood of this lamb across the doorpost of their houses on this particular day in history. then, in an act of liberation for Israel and judgement for egypt, God's angel swept through egypt, like a plague, wiping out the firstborn child of every house, which did not have the blood of a firstborn lamb upon it's doorpost. God 'passes over' every house that is marked by the blood of the firstborn lamb.
christians also celebrate passover, but in a new way. they believe that the story of Israel's slavery and liberation from the egyptians, is actually a foreshadow of God's plan for all save us from the injustice of our own sin. they celebrate passover because it is the day they believe Jesus Christ became the literal firstborn sacrifice, for all people, whose blood liberates those who place themselves at the foot of the cross, in trust of God's amazing grace. for those who trust that God made this sacrifice for them, God's judgement 'passes over', and instead His mercy begins to deliver them from the grip of their own sins.
this week, check back here for a reminder of why this matters for you, for me, for all people...
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