CNN - advent conspiracy

for the last 3 years our community at the crossing has taken part in something called 'advent conspiracy'. it's a movement greg started with a few other guys, to inspire churches around the country to approach Christmas differently by spending less, giving more away, loving all people and re-centering our worship on Jesus (and His birthday) rather than on consumerism.

this year the movement has taken on a new significance in a recession economy, and as a result, the conspiracy has spread throughout the world--literally. news media all over the country are asking, "is this thing for real?" CNN even did a piece recently which you can see here.

i'm tickled to be a part of a community of people who take their spiritual journey with God seriously, and continually connect their faith with giving to those who are most in need. as a result of this movement there are more than 200,000 people with fresh drinking water across the globe this year. to me, that's who Christ is, the One who saves the whole person...not only our soul for eternity, but our body here and now. and a church is supposed to be a community of people who are so alive with Christ's presence in their life that they cannot help but move in His footsteps and serve those He serves...everyone.

if you don't know about the conspiracy yet, check out the video below, and consider how you might make a difference, and how you might meet the One True God in the process. Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha-Olam, "Praised are You, LORD our God, King of all the universe."

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