Corey Mann inspired me to think about how to kickstart creativity. Here's what he says:
  • Get your nose in a book. I recently thumbed through some books at the library that got my juices flowing, and mind jumping. A book on spray paint artists, a comic book artist that I like and his collected works, anything in your creative it.
  • Try something new. Go somewhere you usually don't go, do something you don't usually do. New activity jump-starts thoughts.
  • Hang with some new folks. Branch out. Stop huddling in your little clique and meet some new people. Invite some new blood into your circle and see what happens.
  • Fail. I'm soooo good at this. Can't learn until you try, right? Experiment.
  • Mash up stuff. I haven't tried this yet but a friend adviced me to try it. Take a drawing, and then maybe write a short story about that drawing. If you are a scrapbooker, add different elements that you wouldn't usually add to your books.
  • Change your Perspective. Write a blog post from you 10 years from now. Write a letter to yourself 5 years from now.
  • Mix up your Medium. I draw and doodle. I try other things every now and then, like painting. I blog, but every now and then I start writing some crazy stuff...nobody will probably ever see it, but at least I'm writing it down. I scrapbook from time to time, not all the time...but something different.
  • Daydream....often. Ask myself, "What if?" Dream it, dreamer.
  • Listen to music that you don't usually listen to.(Movie soundtracks are the best!)

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