doom clouds

i saw this on randall's blog a few weeks back and think it is the most ominous and aggressive storm cloud i have ever seems almost unbelievable. my mind took me to two places and neither of them was good, haha. one was the movie-like theme of the end of the world--the apocalypse. the second thought can sometimes relate to the first, and it is the overwhelming sensation i get at times of doom. do you ever have that? it's hard for me to describe exactly, but maybe the best analogy i can give is your worst day, when everything in life seems to be pitted against you. have you ever been there? it's like a trip to the DMV, you barely get there in time to hear the person behind the counter tell you "sorry you're missing a form." haha. really though, have you ever had a day, or a season of time where you genuinely felt like the force of the universe was pitted against you because nothing would go right?

maybe it's just me because i have definitely struggled with depression at times, but i get the sense that many of us--especially in this day and age--can get trapped in an overwhelming sensation that no amount of effort can break us out of the funk we're work, at home, with family, within ourselves, with God, with life altogether. and when we're living in that emotion it seems like a storm cloud is constantly pursuing our trail and we're surrounded with despair.

so how do we break the same? how can we escape the madness and chaos of the feeling of living under a curse? truly, i'm asking because i don't know. the truth is that these experiences are very real for everyone. even if we're not currently in that place, there will be a time when life deals us our blow too, and what will we do then?

this week, i'm going to explore the idea of 'doom'. what are some non-clinical ways of dealing with dark clouds in our life? and i'm going to try and offer up some ideas that i seek out through good counseling, good friends, good books, good prayer, good kids, and good good love. come on back if you want this week for some hopeful remedies...and don't hesitate to throw out your own too.


Kristin Eldridge said...

Couple things come to mind....

*Uncovering our deep hurts and pains (which mostly occur during the ages of 1-12) and finding deep healing.

For example (I will use myself), I have recently just been able to admit that in middle school during one of the only few chapel services I remember (I went to WCA) older, popular girls pulled my hair the entire hour. It might not seem like a huge deal but I believe that that caused a huge gaping wound that I tried to fill with everything else all throughout the rest of my schooling...mostly food. And then I became in bondage to emotionally eating.

*SPIRITUAL WARFARE!!! We were born into a world in war. Satan hates us. He wants us dead and ineffective. As believers, we are living with an enemy and most of the time we aren't even aware. So we need to learn to guard ourselves and fight back.

Elizabeth said...

Hello, my friend! I wrote something similar back in August when I was in a funk. Here's a link:

Maybe those are some ideas that might spur some more thought? I think helping others is really one of the best ways I know to help myself.
