laminin - the stuff that holds us together

every day with just a little bit of investigation and the simple exercise of considering a world bigger than myself, i encounter the reality of eternity. it's like a treasure-hunt that twists and turns through every facet of life, a scattered puzzle waiting to be put together. it is like seeing after being blind, hearing after being deaf, coming up for joy after drowning in sorrow. it is a kingdom that is buried within me, and once opened reveals itself omnipresently. whether you accept or deny it, from the beginning of time it has outlived all it's carriers and pallbearers. in matthew 10:7 Jesus says to His followers, "as you go, preach this message: 'the kingdom of heaven is near.'" the reality of what we know is . . . there is us, there is everybody else, and there is something more. though we may disagree on what that something more is, everybody is implicated b/c we all choose to put our trust in . . . something. when people ask me what it means to be a Christ-follower, i think it comes down to this decision . . . to 'trust Jesus'. trust His words, His cross, His living-presence . . . for as one writer of scripture puts it "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together" colossians 1:17  so today as i was exploring i found this puzzle piece. take a look at laminin through the lens of a powerful microscope . . . it is the protein that scientists/researchers say literally holds us together. it gets really interesting about 2:25 in.

1 comment:

nlsmith said...

Thanks for this post.
Nice blog.
Can one guy say that to another?
i don't know...
anyway, we need to hook up! give me a call. oh right. you did. i'm the punk who's never called you back.
ok. i'll give you a call.
