my friend brett

i get the opportunity to be around incredibly talented musicians, singers, songwriters, worship leaders & performers on a regular basis. i also get the privilege of calling many of them my friends. brett is "all of the above" and i must say that every time i see him sing, play, perform, lead or showcase something he's written, i realize i'm in the presence of someone who is going to make an enormous impact on this world (and in fact, is already doing so). brett's headed off to baylor university in the fall, but i hope he comes back to StL often to share his gifts . . . and one day soon, maybe even take over my job here at the crossing. whatever brett decides to do with his life, i can't wait to be a part of it.

1 comment:

catherine said...

ahhh the westminster concert choir. i've actually been listening to this video all day. i can't get over it
