neti pot

the cold/allergy season has officially begun, and it is wiping folks out methodically. last week my boss' daughter caught the bug, then her son, and then she got it. my buddy bill was wiped out for the last half of the week and is still recovering. last wednesday night i began to feel a little tickle in my throat. you know, the pre-cold tickle that makes you cough but you can't quite clear it out, and then you wake up sick the next day? so immediately i took some medicine and thursday morning i called my friend rebecca who is a chiropractor/allergy specialist. i know what you're thinking . . . a chiropractic allergy specialist?! pause for a story:

a year and a half ago i broke out with hives. that--combined with some breathing difficulty--sent me to the hospital. it turned out i was very allergic to nuts, some of which had been in a cereal i had been eating. so i asked the ER doc what i could do, and she said "nothing. the best thing you can do is go to an allergist, but they'll only give you a shot, they won't cure you." i was particularly frustrated with her response because i very much like peanut butter and jelly, and certain foods that often use peanut oil AND i don't like shots. coincidentally i ended up sharing the ER doc's response with a friend who has been cured of their shell-fish allergy by a "witch doctor"--as he affectionately called it. long story short, i decide to check out this "witch doctor"-- who turns out to be a chiropractor and allergy specialist--and sure enough after several treatments i am completely free of any allergy to nuts.

why do i tell you this story? because she also helps with other allergies, and every year as the season's change, she treats me right before the allergy season(s) and "boosts" my immune system so that i do not suffer, any longer, from nut or fall allergies AT ALL. crazy, right?! it still freaks me out a bit, but i'm telling you as one who has been helped. i used to have crazy allergies, scratchy eyes, runny nose, sore throats, dull headaches for days on end etc. now? notta, zip, zilch, nothing. and it's kinda freaky to think about because there are SO many drugs on the market that get sold as non-permanent remedies.

anywho, i thought of this story because there are so many products on the market that claim to help allergies. one such product is the neti-pot, and it makes me laugh, loudly, because this product is actually real.

1 comment:

catherine said...

wowww i haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time. thank you. haha
