i'm always fascinated by people who play unique instruments. especially someone who plays an instrument with great talent. it's almost like watching a magician because though you're sure it is possible to figure out how it happens, you cannot imagine yourself ever being that creative.
i think most people have something they do better than anyone else. actually, it is usually the thing they do most often...without even thinking about. some people play the drums, some people cook, some people give really good hugs, some people give good advice, some people know how to fix anything, some people can tell you the dialogue--word for word--in almost any movie, some people can organize a group of people on a dime, some people pray for others, and some people just raise their kids really well. . .whatever it is 'some people' like you do, when we sit back and watch you, we're amazed at who you are.
your life is a creative work-of-art, and even when you don't see it that way, we do. may you never take yourself for granted because we--this world--need you. we need you to keep being who you are, and getting better at the simple thing you do. . .b/c that's what makes life a little happier for us--knowing you are there beside us becoming more of the person you are.
Wow. Thanks for writing that. It's something I'd like to say personally to lots of people I know. And dare I imagine that maybe someone might want to say it to me? Or is that too greedy?
Thank you for putting it out there and sparking hope.
Tonight, he played his last of three consecutive shows in San Francisco. If you had posted this just a day earlier, I would have gone to see him live. The other videos of him on youtube are great too.
Is that technically a kind of steel drum?
As for your words, the Lord is speaking through you!
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