proverbs 11:14

(Proverbs 11:14) "Where there is no counsel; people fall. But in the multitude of counselors there is safety."

We all should build an inner circle that adds value to us. But here's the thing...choose well. That inner circle can become your closest confidants, which means they could help you spread your wings and take flight or help you drop like a dead weight.

Who belongs in your inner circle?

Creative types
Loyal folks
People who share your vision
Smart people
People with influence
Folks of faith
Intergrity would be great

What do you think? did corey miss anything?

1 comment:

Emily said...

Awesome post! I was just reflecting on this scripture last week: Proverbs 27:7 (Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.-KJV). I like this version bc it uses the word “friend”.
Accountability is so key in many areas of our lives to succeed and live our life to the fullest! I’ve had to carefully select various inner circles in my life. Including circles that will push me in my faith, career, calling, passions, and lifestyle!
The quality I look for most in choosing these people is wisdom! People who have authority in these areas because they are strong in character and already living out these areas in their lives. People that I know will know when to encourage, challenge, confront, and push me. It takes time to find these people. I’m thankful for finding many incredible mentors in my life!
My latest quest…surrounding myself with Christians who are likeminded in reaching this city for God. I miss a lot of my ministry friends from when I lived overseas. We often shared a common interest in seeing God’s Kingdom brought to cities. Being around Christians that are passionate fuels my passion and redirects me back to living my life with a perspective of Kingdom thinking!
