switchfoot - mess of me

"there ain't no drug that can make me well. i've made a mess of me."
--jon foreman

switchfoot comes out with a new album this october, and it looks like more of the same from this band. there new song 'mess of me' is an incredibly honest self-confession that nothing--not even medication--can heal us of the messes we make of our lives. on one hand, it's a little discouraging to think that there is no cure for the ills that plague me (us). but on the other hand, i know this is true. God's plan for my life isn't to make every pain disappear--at least here on earth.

check out this quote from oswald chambers "God's purpose is that i depend on Him and on His power now. if i can stay in the middle of the turmoil calm and unperplexed, that is the end of the purpose of God. God is not working toward a particular finish; His end is the process--that i see Him walking on the waves, no shore in sight, no success, no goal, just the absolute certainty that it is all right because i see Him walking on the sea. it is the process, not the end, which is glorifying to God...God's end is to enable me to see that He can walk on the chaos of my life just now. If we have a further end in view, we do not pay sufficient attention to the immediate present: if we realize that obedience is the end, then each moment as it comes is precious." --oswald chambers

so, with jon foreman, i admit i've made a mess of my life, especially by trying to avoid sometimes painful realities in the present. today, i'm going to simply do the next right thing (that's what it means to obey God), and trust that in whatever i'm facing He will empower me within the mess. may He do the same for you.

p.s. thanks renee for the great quote!

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