
it's monday, and if you're anything like me you're a slow starter shaking off the morning haze and realizing how much you've got in front of you for the rest of the week. it's daunting and speaking for myself, overwhelming. where do i focus my attention when there are so many balls in the air? how do i prioritize this week? when will i have any time to breath?

mostly, the answer for me has been..."as you go." in other words, i'm learning the art of finding refreshment in the midst of the chaos which is my life. i find rest when i slow down for a few moments to notice the breeze on my skin. i find sanity when i say thanks to God for that person who just caught one of the balls that almost dropped. i smile when i observe someone so good at what they do that i can only laugh at my own inadequacy and appreciate their beauty. i breath a little peace when i step back from the rush and take 10 minutes to write down a few simple things (or one thing) that i'm going to accomplish for my soul today...even if it takes me till 11pm at night.

today's here and i hope you have some moments in these next hours where you realize it's all we've got, and though it's hard, it's always good.


renee said...

thanks monty, i needed that this morning.

Emily said...

