Life, Loss, Love...Longing

one of the best friends i've had in my life is a professor and mentor of mine at colby college. she had a passion for 15th and 16th century poetry and especially John Donne and Shakespeare. she inspired me to memorize tons of poetry and wrote often about the intersection of what fascinated her most: life, love and loss. i think of her today as i watch this beautiful story reflecting the same crossroads. life and love are bittersweet because they can be lost, or can they? why does everything we enjoy in life fade away, or does it? all of these questions revolve around relationship ... because what matters to us is, after all, each other.

so, what do we do when we lose the life of someone we love? i don't know, but maybe there's another word missing in this mix...

somehow in all these intersections we know somewhere in our guts that ...there is hope. there is something to be found in losing, something to come alive in dying, a love that is stronger then death. there are so many questions but somewhere in us, we long for a love that overcomes the grave, a love that last long beyond life-as-we-know-it, a love that never ends. if there is one word that inspires hope, i'd add to the list: longing. i long to know life and love that never has to be lost. and when i watch this video, something shivers down my spin and resonates within me because i believe there is hope, and i long for that everyday.

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