beautiful day

life can become so complicated, so fast-paced, so hurried, so clogged up with things to do, places to go, people to see. in the process of all the noise i can just feel my soul shrivel up and hide (and truthfully sometimes i feel like hiding out or just sleeping till the rush is over). the madness of this life rarely ceases completely...except occasionally when we HAVE to slow down because there's a tragedy...and it's never good when that's what it takes to get us to take stock of our lives and realize that we're missing so many beautiful moments as we go along.

so i'm making a point of opening my eyes more and more to the beautiful day i've been given everyday and here's my list of simple things i'm thankful for: a body that is currently without physical aches, theraflu (my allergies have been crazy...and this stuff is magic!), drano (unclogged my bathtub, woo hoo), thunderstorms and lightning outside my window while i'm hitting my snooze button on a rainy morning, conversations that lead to tears of comfort, a new song to sing along to, a new movie to go and see (can't wait to see 'the town' with ben affleck), getting a text/e-mail/phone call from a friend, a computer to blog on! :-), time to sit in a quiet room and let my thoughts grow still, getting to work with people i love, having a car that runs (though it runs LOUD, hehe), having money to pay for gas/rent/phone/food/bills etc., EVO phone apps that calculate daily calories and help me lose weight for FREE (myfitnesspal), a new season of life found in surrendering old ways of thinking, love, the love of someone i love, the slow awakening of how everywhere around me there is love if i will just slow down and notice and "taste and see that Yahweh is good..."

@ the crossing yesterday we played a simple version of a sweet song. today, i pray this song can help you slow down and, even within the craziness of your life...and maybe for a moment--even if you're facing something incredibly difficult--maybe just for this moment now you can reflect on something in this life that makes today a beautiful day. and, if you're willing, i'd like to know...what makes your day beautiful?

1 comment:

Patty said...

It may seem a bit "Groundhog Day"ish, but what truly delights me is the simple fact that God gives me a do-over every single day. No matter how many ways I manage to mess up the mere 24 hours I am given, I am always blessed with a new day where I get to practice getting it right (or at least more together.) Just knowing that my smile is a little brighter each morning. Oh, and there was swimming my 1650 in under an hour...that was b.e.a.utiful! Tortuous, but beautiful.
